F.O.I. - 5th Edition
Festival of Arts, Science and Heritage
F.O.I., former OUT-(IN)VERNO Festival focuses on globalism seen through the lens of the Algarve region, offering projects addressing our identity, directed at anyone and everyone, with the goal of offering a great cultural dip into the history of the Algarve, and the whole of Portugal. The initial premise that founded this festival was the goal of offering projects and events showing the bond between Art, Science, and Heritage. These elements have opposite dynamics but are permanently woven together, and it is through this idea that the project and its events were created and are planned, allowing for insight and discussions, open to interpretation not only empirical but also poetic.
The program includes Concerts, Astronomy, Performances, Theatre and Workshops. Events take on the mystery between opposites: from what we see way out there in the far-off world to the effect that has on lives at home. And in the middle are people, our routines, the needs and comforts that come from our pasts, to the discomforts of finding our way in the future - the unknown that often sets the rhythm for our constant interpretation and adaptation of our present lives.
Thus F.O.I. aims to put into perspective landscapes that reveal a huge charm from various angles and that deserve to be shared with those who visit us. The eclectic program proposed was designed to explore the material and intangible heritage of LAGOS and to invite you to celebrate the past and present of the local population.
F.O.I. is a Céus do Sul and Questão Repetida -Associação Cultural production.
Project funded by DGArtes, Municipality of Lagos and Algarve Tourism Office.
Previous editions funded by 365 Algarve/Turismo de Portugal and Garantir Cultura.
At night, Céus do Sul will offer a guided stargazing session, preceded by a brief introduction to astronomy. We will explore the constellation Andromeda and Pegasus, the Winged Horse, and myths that
involve several neighboring constellations.
Lugar Comum offers two cultural workshops where
is intended to stimulate curiosity and the awakening of the senses to what
surrounding itself, taking nature and its elements as tools and creative learning and reflection laboratory, valuing and giving visibility to the material and intangible heritage of Ferragudo, Lagoa.
The Clube da Batucada of the Casa do Povo of São Bartolomeu de Messines opens the Out-(In)Verno Festival with a traditional Portuguese drums street concert. This is a social project that integrates people with disabilities from various age groups and social backgrounds.
In two astronomy workshops on the solar system and the autumnal constellations, we will get to know the macro world beyond our micro world. Céus do Sul shows us what Astronomy is about: everything beyond the earth.
This project starts from the intertwined sound between Popular and Classical Music,
creating a parallel between the locality and globality dichotomy, and plunging into the spatial, temporal, moral and patrimonial dimensions. Starting off with a video collection that represents the Algarve's past and continues with photography, which
portrays the present and the future of the place.
A concert that seeks to cover some moments of the Algarve's relationship with the
sea in an emotional journey. The music we will hear tells us of hope, enthusiasm, fear and longing, joy and celebration, and finally sadness. We will take this trip with 16th century music, played by the strings of the lute, theorba, baroque guitar and harp.
Walkin'Sagres will take us through the magic and stunning cliffs of the Suspended Landscapes in the Lagoa area. Among ocher colors and mills connected to the sea, we discover a nature that still has charms in every corner.
When the music brings the dances from here and there, embraced by the encounter between a violin and a concertina. We travel across Europe, gathering Italian, French, Swedish, Portuguese and other dances. Parapente700 invites you to a traditional European dance workshop in the afternoon and a concert in the evening. Let’s dance?
Manipulartes apresenta Pantominus, uma performance de rua deambulante
com uma marioneta de grande porte e com 6 cabeças.
6 cabeças, 6 sentimentos.
Medo, susto, tristeza, alegria,
desconfiança e ira.
A avó que não foi avó
Esperamos alguém especial para jantar. Tudo tem de estar a preceito!
Enquanto preparo a mesa as conversas vão-se encadeando umas nas
outras, como as cerejas... Desafiamo-nos a moldar novas tradições...
reparamos que o tempo passou.
A Avó que não foi avó é um espectáculo de Graça Ochoa - Monstro Colectivo.
Vânia Couto traz-nos Branta.
"Branta é um género de aves.
Há muitas Brantas, e algumas migram, como eu. Vôo por vários países, sons, vozes, ritmos, raízes. Gosto do nascer das músicas em pontos diferentes do mundo, que é tão pequeno e tão grande. Vôo em loop entre muitos instrumentos que acordam as músicas que escolho para esta rota."